
Skills Development Sessions
We’re so happy you’re here and that you want to improve your mountain biking skills! The Manawatū Mountain Bike Club (MMBC) has been offering free lessons for years and we’d love for you to come along.
Our sessions for 2024 begin on Thursday 17 October and run every Thursday through to 21 November. Registration opens on 12th Sept. Register here.
Who’s it for? Anyone from age 5 who can ride a bike without training wheels. Groups are divided by age and ability.
When is it? Thursdays 17 Oct – 21 Nov
5-5.45pm for ages 5-12
6-7pm for ages 13-113
Where is it? Hardie Street Reserve
Questions? please email [email protected].
The Club has always had a strong focus on mountain bike skills development. Over the years, our offering has grown into a well-organised and fun programme for riders of any age or ability. We even host workshops where you can earn badges for skills that you learn on- and off-the-bike.
Want to help out?
We have a dedicated team of passionate coaches and helpers who love to help you mould your riding into something truly awesome. But we can always use more help! If you are a competent rider who loves teaching others the sport you love and have a couple of hours a week to spare, please get in touch. If you are a non-rider but are keen to help out, we have spots available for you, too.
Enquiries can be directed to [email protected]
Financial Support
Are you looking for financial assistance to an MTB event? Check out our financial support policy here and find out if we can help you with some of your financials.
Earn badges as you learn skills
Our skills development workshops are divided into On the Bike and Off the Bike. The On the Bike programme is offered during the spring, summer and autumn riding seasons. The Off the Bike workshops help fill in the gaps during the winter. Earn them all!
Please note: The Paneiri Park training programme is open to the public. All other workshops are open to members of MMBC only. You will need your MMBC log in details to register for workshops. If you are not a member, now’s a great time to join MMBC.

First Aid for Mountain Bikers
We’ve already had our First Aid course for 2023 but we will post here when the next one is planned.
It’s bound to happen that either you or someone you’re riding with will get injured. Will you know what to do? This workshop will be presented by Peak Safety and is designed specifically for the kinds of accidents you’re most likely to come across while mountain biking. Participants will receive a first-aid certificate valid for two years for workplace requirements and NZQA Unit Standards.
PLEASE NOTE: MMBC will pay for the workshop (a $200 value) but attendees must pay the $25 NZQA fee. All attendees will be required to serve in a First Aid capacity at an MMBC event over the coming 12 months. Please choose at least two events. You must be an MMBC member to attend.
Please choose at least two events for which you are interested in providing First Aid support. Exact dates for events to be confirmed. By choosing these events, you are just indicating when you expect to be available; this is not a firm commitment. Closer to the dates of events MMBC will be in touch to confirm your availability.
- Winter Series (monthly, May to September)
- Santoft Sizzler 5-hour relay (August)
- Frocks on Shocks (First Saturday of May)
- Manawatū-Whanganui Schools MTB Competition (October)
- Arapuke Enduro (February/March)
- Arapuke Classic (March/April)

Chris Mildon Coaching
Chris Mildon will lead a series of MTB workshops in May 2024.
Chris Mildon of MTB Skills Clinics will deliver a series of progressive clinics over the weekend of 24-26 May. Please read more about each of the clinics at MTB Skills Clinics.
BEFORE YOU REGISTER, please go through the flow chart below to help you determine what clinic will suit you best. PLEASE read through the flow chart and answer the questions honestly – if you’re unsure, err on the side of caution. You – and all the other students – will learn more if you are in the right groups. It’s also more fun and safer! You can also contact Chris and ask his advice on what clinic you are best suited for.
Heads’ up to students who participated at Hardie Street Reserve in 2023. If you were in one of the beginner sessions, you will be best served by the Phundamentals clinic. If you have a question, either email [email protected] or contact Chris.
Chris is also offering a FREE bike fit clinic on Friday evening to ensure that bike seat height, handlebars, etc are set up to best suit each rider. All participants in the Saturday morning Phundamentals clinic are STRONGLY encouraged to attend this. It will save lots of time on Saturday morning!
The cost is $100 per person per clinic. Bike Fit Clinic is free of charge. You can attend more than one clinic.
You must be a paid up MMBC member to sign up
Bike Fit Clinic – Sign Up Here
Friday 24 May, 5:30pm-7pm, location to be advised – You must be attending a course over the weekend to attend.
Phundamentals – Sign Up Here
Saturday 25 May, 8:30am-12pm – Arapuke Mountain Bike Park, meeting place to be advised
Trailmaster 1 – Flow – Sign Up Here
Saturday 25 May, 12:30pm-4pm – Arapuke Mountain Bike Park, meeting place to be advised
Trailmaster 2 – Speed – Sign Up Here
Sunday 26 May, 8:30am-12pm – Arapuke Mountain Bike Park, meeting place to be advised
Trailmaster 3 – Air– Sign Up Here
Sunday 26 May, 12:30-4pm – Arapuke Mountain Bike Park, meeting place to be advised
Any questions? email [email protected] or contact Chris

Fluid Lines Coaching
Keen to be coached by Bryn?
Bryn Dickerson of Fluid Lines Coaching will be coaching in early 2025. We will announce the dates as soon as we know them. $100 per person per session. All sessions to meet at the Arapuke MTB Park – Top Carpark (Scotts Road). Any questions, email [email protected]. You must be an MMBC member to attend.

Trailside Maintenace
Do you know how to keep your bike in prime condition? Do you know what to include in a pre-ride bike check? What psi works best for you? Do you know how to fix a flat and repair a chain? Do you know how to change a tyre? Do you know what tools to have in your toolkit and do you know how to use them? After you crash, do you know what to check on your bike? Do you know when and how to clean your bike (and do you know how to clean it without doing more damage to it?!)? Do you know when to get your bike serviced and what to expect from that service?
Crank It Cycles is back on board to offer MMBC members this great FREE trailside maintenance workshop!
Who’s it for? Anyone over 13 years old
When is it? Sign up for one of these:
Tuesday 24 October 5.30-7pm
Tuesday 32 October 5.30-7pm
Be in quick! Space is limited to eight students per night.
Click here to register for 24 October.
Click here to register for 31 October.

Mindfulness for mountain bikers
We’ve already had our Mindfulness workshop for 2023. We’ll post here when we have another one scheduled.
You might think you are training your body, but what are you doing for the top two inches? Mental strength and a good mindset can improve your riding just as much (or maybe more!) than that new bike you have your eye on. Learn techniques to help you build confidence, overcome fear and keep going even when it hurts. This is a must-do course for anyone who has ever sat on a bike. This workshop will focus on mindset and mindfulness for mountain bikers and will be presented by Stuido Rubix Mindfulness Facilitator Toby Morland. Toby is a former professional rugby player and knows all about what it takes to keep your head in the game.
Not sure if this is for you? Here’s some feedback from an MMBC member who attended a previous workshop:
“Was held in pleasant surroundings in an formal relaxed manner so there was no pressure on anyone to speak if you didnt want to. The end part where we got into the silk slings to swing & relax was really lovely. Hopefully I can turn my experience into practise out on the trails.”
You must be an MMBC member to attend.

Yoga for mountain bikers
Our yoga sessions are finished for now. Keep an eye out for the next one!
Would you like to recover more quickly from injuries? Would you like to be less likely to have an injury in the first place? Better flexibility through yoga and targeted stretching will not only help with those goals but will improve your movement on the bike and give you better posture (on and off the bike). This can’t be stressed enough: you don’t know how tight those hamstrings and hips are until you start to stretch them. Leave this workshop with a yoga/stretching routine designed specifically for mountain bikers by a mountain biker. This workshop will be presented by Vanessa Lei of YogaNess.
Not sure if this is for you? Here’s some feedback from MMBC members who attended a previous workshop:

Nutriton for mountain bikers
We’ve already had our nutrition workshop for 2023. We’ll post information here when we schedule another one.
Are you eating enough for performance and recovery? Do you know how to best fuel your body for mountain biking? Come along to this workshop and bust diet industry myths while learning how to eat day-to-day to get peak performance from your mountain biking body. This workshop will focus on nutrition for mountain bikers and will be presented by Studio Rubix Registered Dietitian and Exercise Specialist Kate Morland.
Not sure if this is for you? Here’s some feedback from MMBC members who attended a previous workshop:

Improve your mountain biking
We’ve already had our session with Matt Miller for 2023. When we schedule another one, we’ll post the information here.
Hot on the heels of the workshop delivered in 2022, by Matt Miller, MTB PHD, this year Matt dove further into how to get the most out of your biking time. This workshop is designed for all riders – whether or not you are aiming for an event or race. Watch How to be a Better Mountain Biker.
This workshop will cover different information from what Matt covered in 2022 on Six Key Elements of MTB Training. Be sure to watch that on YouTube!

Strength Training
5 JULY!!!! 6.45-7.45pm Studio Rubix, 48 King Street. $30 per person, minimum 8, maximum 12.
You can also register for all three Studio Rubix workshops – Strength, Nutrition and Mindfulness – for $75 (a savings of $15).
You may have heard it before: train off the bike to be stronger on the bike. Why is that? Let’s face it, the stronger you are, the faster you can climb, the more quickly you can sprint and the more easily you can maneuver your bike around obstacles. Besides that, most people (cyclists included) are stronger on one side of their body than on the other. To top it off, most cycling moves tend to use just part of each movement range. Strength training can balance out your body while it builds stronger joints and bones. This workshop will focus on strength training for mountain bikers and will be presented by Studio Rubix Exercise Specialist and Personal Trainer Toby Morland.
Not sure if this is for you? Here’s some feedback from MMBC members who attended a previous workshop: